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Paul and Cindie Anthes

AC21 Workshop-Couples Planning Weekend: Creating Greater Harmony and Strength in your Marriage

About the Course

Financial planning for married couples necessarily involves both spouses, but both spouses don’t always agree on how to approach financial planning. Veteran financial advisor Paul Anthes and Cindie Anthes, his wife of 30+ years, have long practiced taking a weekend away to focus on financial planning, and they train other advisors to encourage the practice with their clients. In this session, the Antheses explain the challenges and benefits of a couples’ planning weekend and share key points to help clients benefit from the experience. Advisors will learn to incorporate this powerful tool into their financial planning process. 

About the Speaker

Paul and Cindie Anthes

Financial Advisory Corporation, R3 Coaching

Paul and Cindie Anthes have built a strong and harmonious marriage over 39 years, although the saying "opposites attract" fits them well. As a couple, they meet with and mentor younger couples and share their spiritual journey. Paul is president of Financial Advisory Corporation, is lead coach for R3 Coaching, has been active in Kingdom Advisors since its beginning, and is a Certified Kingdom Advisor®. Cindie works part time and is involved with their local church and with Safe Families for Children, which helps families with temporary crisis situations. Now empty nesters, they have two grown children and live in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Continuing Education

Accepted for CE Credit

Hours: 1
Designations: CKA®, CFP®, IMCA, PACE, FPSC, Institute, Insurance
Minimum  Passing Grade: 80%