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Register for training offerings such as teleconferences and webinars that will offer you practical teaching and tools to integrate biblical wisdom into your financial advice.


KA Emerging Advisor Community Virtual Gathering - Thursday, August 1st - 4:00 pm Eastern

8/01/24 4:00 PM - 8/01/24 5:00 PM (ET)

Join the first quarterly virtual gathering of the Kingdom Advisors Emerging Advisor Community, Thursday, August 1, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm on Zoom. 


Special guest John Cortines, Director of Generosity at The Maclellan Foundation, will share insights and perspectives on wealth and biblical financial wisdom from the book of Ecclesiastes. 


After hearing from John, we will split into breakout groups for discussion and fellowship. You will also hear all the latest Emerging Advisor Community news and updates.


Hit Continue to register. You will receive an email confirmation with Zoom instructions for the call. 





Quarterly Economic Review Webcast with Jerry Bowyer

8/01/24 12:00 PM - 8/01/24 1:00 PM (ET)

Each quarter, Jerry Bowyer shares his perspective on economic trends and investment markets from the viewpoint of “principled reasoning,” a system of economic theory rooted in biblical wisdom.
In this economic review webcast for Q3 2024, Jerry will explore these questions:
  • Are we now in a growth recession?
  • Why an up stock market may not indicate a strong economy
  • Seeing our economy in light of human productivity and leadership
  • What are the markets saying about upcoming elections?


Kingdom Advisors Partnership Payment

1/01/49 12:00 AM - 12/31/49 12:00 AM (ET)
