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Kathleen Edelman Speaker, Author

Kathleen Edelman has one goal in life: to help people learn to speak kindly to one another. She has spent 30 years counseling and coaching individuals and families on the art of communication, using the four temperaments as a foundation. Audiences around the globe have responded to Kathleen’s simple message that Kind Words Are Cool, viewing her videos more than six and a half million times and turning her first book, I Said This, You Heard That, into a bestseller. Kathleen holds a master’s degree in Christian Counseling Psychology. She is married and has two grown children.

Kathleen Edelman has one goal in life: to help people learn to speak kindly to one another. She has spent 30 years counseling and coaching individuals and families on the art of communication, using the four temperaments as a foundation. Audiences around the globe have responded to Kathleen’s simple message that Kind Words Are Cool, viewing her videos more than six and a half million times and turning her first book, I Said This, You Heard That, into a bestseller. Kathleen holds a master’s degree in Christian Counseling Psychology. She is married and has two grown children.