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Mitch Anthony President

Mitch Anthony is the founder and president of Advisor Insights Inc., The Financial Life Planning Institute, ROL Advisor, and Life-Centered Planners (U.K.) Mitch is recognized around the globe for his pioneering work in life-centered planning and is a consistently top-rated presenter. He has also been named one of the financial services industry’s top “Movers & Shakers.” Mitch is the author of many groundbreaking books for advisors and consumers, including perennial bestseller Storyselling for Financial Advisors, The New Retirementality, and Life-Centered Financial Planning (2020).

Mitch Anthony is the founder and president of Advisor Insights Inc., The Financial Life Planning Institute, ROL Advisor, and Life-Centered Planners (U.K.). For over two decades, Mitch and his team have provided training to individual advisors and major organizations throughout the world. Mitch is recognized around the globe for his pioneering work in life-centered planning and is a consistently top-rated presenter. He has also been named one of the financial services industry’s top “Movers & Shakers.” Mitch is the author of many groundbreaking books for advisors and consumers, including perennial bestseller Storyselling for Financial Advisors, The New Retirementality, and Life-Centered Financial Planning (2020).