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Michael King Vice President - Gift Planning Services

Michael King, J.D., serves as a charitable gift and estate planning attorney with the National Christian Foundation (NCF). He works closely with generous families, sharing concepts and strategies that allow them to leverage the impact of their giving by minimizing their income and their estate tax liabilities. In his role with NCF, Michael's primary focus and expertise is facilitating charitable gifts of "unusual" assets, including closely-held businesses, real estate, intellectual property, oil and gas interests, collectibles, and precious metals. He also helps families to plan their estates in a manner that dramatically increases their charitable giving, and that in most cases avoids estate tax completely--regardless of the size of their estates. Prior to joining NCF in 2006, Michael worked in an international tax and accounting firm, as well as a wealth management firm where he counseled affluent families on a broad range of wealth management issues. Michael received his undergraduate degree in finance from Penn State University, and his law degree from the UCLA School of Law. Michael and his wife Tammy have five children.