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Miriam Neff Founder and President

Miriam Neff is the founder and president of Widow Connection and is the author of 11 books. She speaks nationally and internationally on widows' issues and navigating unwanted life change. She has more than 20 years' professional counseling experience and is a mother, grandmother, and the widow of Robert Neff. She and her daughter, Valerie Hogan, speak to widows on finances and generosity.

Miriam Neff is the founder and president of Widow Connection and is the author of 11 books. She speaks nationally and internationally on widows' issues and navigating unwanted life change. She has more than 20 years' professional counseling experience and is a mother, grandmother, and the widow of Robert Neff. She and her daughter, Valerie Hogan, speak to widows on finances and generosity.