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John Cortines Director of Generosity

John Cortines oversees the Maclellan Foundation’s investments and strategies to catalyze a global movement of generosity among all believers. While at Harvard Business School, he encountered a radical call from God to reframe his perspective on generosity and ultimately shift his career into the nonprofit sector. He previously served as COO of Generous Giving. John is the coauthor of two books on biblical generosity (God and Money and True Riches: What Jesus Really Said About Money and Your Heart) which together have over 60,000 copies in circulation.

John Cortines oversees the Maclellan Foundation’s investments and strategies to catalyze a global movement of generosity among all believers. While at Harvard Business School, he encountered a radical call from God to reframe his perspective on generosity and ultimately shift his career into the nonprofit sector. He previously served as COO of Generous Giving. John is the coauthor of two books on biblical generosity (God and Money and True Riches: What Jesus Really Said About Money and Your Heart) which together have over 60,000 copies in circulation.